I have now been back at school for a month and its great. Its great to see my friends although I miss those who I have parted from **tear**(I miss you all). While the summer was an adventure it is great to be back into routine again.
This semester has been so much fun and a HUGE learning experience already and it has only been a few weeks. I guess I should fill you all in on whats going on…
I am super busy with my classes, being an RA, playing soccer and being on student senate. School has always been an expereince but theres something about this semester that is much different than the last. I still can't put my finger on what it is that changed but I am thankful for whatever it is. I think. This semester has been filled with new friends: which in itself brings about the question game, hours of laughing, and random trips.
For some strange reason, when I see occasional people for the first time I get this little voice in my head saying "you will be their friend" and low and behold I look at my friendships now and those people are in my circle of friends. It is kind of random that I am writing about this but it is what came out of the keyboard as I sat down and typed.
Heres a brief synopsis of everything:
Clases are great. As many of you all know I am in the Education Program and that in itself is a blessing and a privledge. I am thankful everyday that I have the opportunity to attend school. Teachers are the most amazing people…well they were in my life and still are. I just hope that I am able to fill those shoes and give back to the community what it has provided me.
I am also very thankful for the RA position and the people that it has placed in my life. It is really encouraging to hear someone say to you,
"Thanks for taking that extra step to get to know me, because no one else would have." That is an amazing feeling that I can’t even explain but it once again points back to God.
Ah, to love soccer, haha. I am on my schools soccer team only by default (everyone made the team). Everyone knows I can’t play soccer even if my life depended on it. It’s my third season
ever playing and I can’t believe how much I have learned. Imagine just 2 years ago I could’t kick a ball further that I can jump…lol. Well, soccer is a blast. It keeps me out of trouble and I am slowly getting back into shape. Like I say….’everything happens for a reason’.
Being on student senate is definitely interesting. It keeps me foccused and my priotities intact. Its also great to be representing the student body. I am slowly learning what my exact role entales but nontheless its definitely a learning experience.
Life never ceases to amaze me.