An Awakening
Life changing events happen to all of us...important events that change the course of life from that day forward. The ones we choose are usually exciting and filled with anticipation: a wedding, a new career, a family started, a move made. All change the course of events in our lives from that day on and we step willingly into them.
It’s the other events that haunt us ... the life changing events that we are plunged into without choice or warning... individual crisis that most everyone eventually gets a turn at. The call that a loved one is dying, an accident that changes life forever, a diagnosis, a breakup, a job loss all change the course of life from that moment on and we find individuals forging on in places they have not stepped willingly.
As we come to see life as a journey, not just from birth to the grave, but as an experience, its secrets, its messages begins to unfold.
Through this journey I have learned one of life's greatest lesson.
Here is to you.....
Thanks For Being You
Thanks for giving me joys and smiles
If you are facing a hard and unwelcome change in your life that has been thrust upon you, be determined in inching forward beyond the pain. Don’t let the trouble determine who you become. Don’t let the tragedy become your definition. Like mine did.
No one is an island. We need the inspiration and encouragement of one another as we dust ourselves off from the deep pits of life and step out to move forward.
It’s the other events that haunt us ... the life changing events that we are plunged into without choice or warning... individual crisis that most everyone eventually gets a turn at. The call that a loved one is dying, an accident that changes life forever, a diagnosis, a breakup, a job loss all change the course of life from that moment on and we find individuals forging on in places they have not stepped willingly.
As we come to see life as a journey, not just from birth to the grave, but as an experience, its secrets, its messages begins to unfold.
Through this journey I have learned one of life's greatest lesson.
The only people we really wound are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know, we please the fleeting guest, but we dial many thoughless blows to those who love us best.
Here is to you.....
Thanks For Being You
Thanks for giving me joys and smiles
Thanks for sharing my trouble's pile
Thanks for wipeing the tears of my eye
Thanks for showing me the glad view of sky
Thanks for lending me your shoulders to lean
Thanks for giving my words a proper mean
Thanks for telling me the value of life
Thanks for showing me the rules to survive
Thanks for lending me the sympathetic ears
Thanks for showing how much you care
From all this what I mean in the end
Is thanks for being my special friend.
Thanks for being my brother and sister.
If you are facing a hard and unwelcome change in your life that has been thrust upon you, be determined in inching forward beyond the pain. Don’t let the trouble determine who you become. Don’t let the tragedy become your definition. Like mine did.
No one is an island. We need the inspiration and encouragement of one another as we dust ourselves off from the deep pits of life and step out to move forward.
Ermalinda i wish other could really think like you. You are truly unique.
Anonymous, at Tue Oct 10, 04:50:00 PM 2006
why didn't you ever tell us you had a blog? You are so profound! We luv having you in Ed classes. You are definately one of a kind. Enriching. And thats why we nominated you for class speaker...and you wonder.
Anonymous, at Wed Oct 18, 04:38:00 PM 2006
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