
Monday, August 14, 2006

My day...

...consisted of organizing a packing and re-organizing.

I have moved most of my personal belongings back to my parents place (this was a big step for me) keeping only necessary items at my place in Ancaster. Why? This is to limit what I have to move again come March. Yes, March.

Come March, I will be performing my teaching practicuum in Cambridge therefore moving home...I think.

However, with storing my items at my Parents comes expectation (My mother is a portuguese woman -- so you can say 'anal' The expectation was/is that I would only be bringing back (storing) what I left with...HA! Yeah, right. Since living on my own I have accumulated a tremendous amount of items this includes crap.

Well, in my attempt to minimize the "appearance" of what I am storing I decided to re-organize and condense, by this, I mean parting with some of my possessions. Tear. However, by doing this I realized that I am a pack-rat. Yes, a pack-rat! Yikes!!!

Here are some of the interesting/humerous things I found:

  • Grade 9 , 10, 11, 12, and OAC notes -- however, I only kept classes that I may have thought were important or would be to some use. Religion, History, Math, French, Phys-ed, English, Biology, and Accounting.

  • College Notes -- obviously for reference purposes. :)

  • - Unfinished letters to multiple people -- perhaps I will finish them and send them off. Pff...who am I kidding.

  • - sealed and stamped letters and cards. I wonder if I could still use the stamp?

  • - my old agendas from highschool, college and university. (I've decided to keep these .... just for kicks.) It's funny to look back and see what I wrote -- mainly birthdays...apparently homework wasn't vital or worthy of space.

  • - Report Cards from as far as elementary school. Imagine, me quiet.

Well, this task continues until tommorrow. I will let you know what else I find.


  • Yup, I do recall a promised letter that never came :).
    As for some of the junk, man those are treasures. You can show your kids someday about how quiet your teachers thought you were!!!

    By Blogger em & em, at Tue Aug 15, 03:15:00 PM 2006  

  • It's all MEMORIES. And we all know how much you will cherish them. "All Smiles"!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Aug 16, 10:20:00 PM 2006  

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