
Thursday, June 09, 2005

"Lett-us" ...not be IGNORANT

The other day reached my breaking point in dealing with all ignorant stupid people of the world. Always crying, always complaining, whining, questioning. Why can't people just let things be? Why must we create a ‘stir’ at work? Why is it really anyone’s business as to what the neighbour is doing? Or what ‘Johnny’ said to ‘Sue’? Or what ‘Sue’ wore to work yesterday? Honestly now, is it really our business to poke and probe in someone else’s life. Okay, I understand if your concerned about a person, but when your invading someone life, or the famous word – “GOSSIPING” and even “BULLYING” then we there is a problem.

People should keep quite and listen and/or read? Always jumping to conclusions, assuming the facts, and questioning the truth. People don't know a darn thing about “Johnny”, “Sue”, or “Molly” and create little stories, torment others and cause tension within an environment. Creating a hostile working atmosphere.

You are all probably wondering what my problem is… right? Well, this all stemmed from lettuce. Yes, I did say lettuce; hence the title of today’s blog. (Thanks Jess).

I met an individual one morning eating lettuce. It didn’t strike me as odd at first for I am known to eat the most random things for breakfast. However, I saw this individual consuming lettuce again but this time it was for lunch. Now, I was curious. Was I missing out on the new fad or something? So, I felt compelled to ask why she was consuming lettuce so much- I mean she ate it as if it were leaving the country? Little behold, she said she liked it. I mean so do I, but not as TWO consecutive meals, perhaps as a snack (and yes I have done it; its quite refreshing). I was slightly concerned with this whole situation. Why? Well, let me tell you. Working a long shift on lettuce doesn’t hold out. Firstly, your not replenishing yourself of the energy lost while working. This is a huge concern especially when working in hot and humid weather – there’s a risk of passing out. Lastly, how can anyone pass up food? Obviously there was more to the ‘lettuce’ then I was aware.

After gobbling down my lunch one individual explained the ‘lettuce’ situation to me. The lettuce had a story behind it. How did I know? Okay, it was obvious. The ‘lettuce lady’ was being tormented day in and day out by a group of people who obviously had nothing better to do. She was a slightly larger woman and when I say slightly I mean about 25 maybe 30 pounds (15kgs) overweight. The ‘lettuce’ lady obviously had enough and was apparently ‘solving’ the situation. At that rate she would be the size of a pin by the end of the month. Would she be healthier? NO! Most of her teeth would probably fall out, her mind would be functioning at a much slower rate, but she would have satisfied those around her. J

Who in their right minds have the audacity to inform another that they MUST lose weight? Especially with no PhD. Interesting, but despite all this people feel compelled that they must interfere and bully this poor ‘lettuce lady’ and other for that matter.

Don’t people see what they are doing? Have they not seen how they are affecting ‘Johnny’ and ‘Sue’ and the ‘lettuce lady’? Do they not see how others perceive them? These ‘bullies’ must feel on top of the mountain. But get real people your not.

You look like an extreme ‘idiot’ for lack of a better word. You’re losing your credibility and your respect. You’re actually NOT the ‘almighty and powerful’ but the weaker and ignorant.

We often judge, criticize and bully others but we should look upon ourselves and consider the consequences of our actions.

Not sure of the consequences…
We often think of BULLYING as a physical action but there is the psychological aspect as well. The effects on victims of physical bullying obviously include the injuries sustained in the process. However, the risk of psychological damage in these cases is also substantial. Individuals who are constantly bullied - either physically or psychologically and socially - lose their self-confidence, their self-esteem or are at amplified risk of suffering stress-related conditions – which can prompt further physical trauma. (**Source: Health and Wellness)

Effects on the working environment:
Employees working in an environment of fear and resentment do not give their best. The adverse affects of bullying show up as increased absenteeism, staff turnover, low morale and poor performance levels. The enterprise may suffer loss of productivity and creative input. It is also possible that the enterprise's image and wider reputation will suffer. (**Source: Organization Behaviour class notes). Hey I’m questioning why nothing is being solved.

In conclusion…
Teasing and tormenting peers cannot be tolerated as an acceptable part of our society. So the next time you feel compelled or desire to ‘BULLY’ Molly, Sue, and Johnny THINK AGAIN. Your destructive behaviour has consequences.

James 1:19 we read: "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."


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